Experience the Notable Difference Our Unique Dental Implant Solutions Make to Your Smile Makeover


A Modern Dental Office - Superior Quality Services Focused on Patients, Combining Cutting-Edge Techniques with Compassionate Care

Our unwavering devotion to ensuring dental health has placed us as trusted providers in the field. We warmly welcome you to experience the extraordinary care and inviting atmosphere at our advanced dental office. Our dedicated dentists tirelessly work to cater to your individual requirements, establishing a profound rapport with you while keeping your comfort and satisfaction at the forefront.

Dental Implants

Matchless Dental Implants, Guaranteed to Refresh Your Smile

We offer cost-effective dental implant solutions in Melbourne, designed as a reliable answer for spaces resulting from lost teeth. Our esteemed team utilises high-grade titanium implants to establish a solid foundation, carefully integrating the screw with your jawbone.

Utilising sophisticated technology and techniques, our skilful team supervises the entire dental implant procedure. We propose a broad spectrum of tooth implant options for your perusal. Once firmly anchored, a prosthetic tooth is attached to the implant, seamlessly filling the gap and resembling natural teeth.

For trustworthy and prompt dental implant procedures, count on our group of experienced dentists.

Utilising cutting-edge technology and techniques, our proficient team is responsible for the entire dental implant treatment. We introduce a broad range of tooth implant options for your selection. Once these are securely fixed, an artificial tooth is affixed to the implant, flawlessly filling the gap and mirroring natural teeth.

For trustworthy and efficient dental implant solutions, lean on our team of highly experienced dentists.


Visualise the radiant charm of your smile post the successful completion of your dental implant treatment.

Immediate Dental Implants

dental Implant before
dental Implant before


The individual’s pathway started with a consultation, which resulted in a customised plan for an immediate dental implant procedure. This option suits those keen on limiting the time between the removal of the original tooth and the placement of the dental implant.

Our experienced dentist conducted the dental implants treatment by inserting the implant immediately after tooth extraction. This approach allowed a rapid replacement of the missing teeth, with an artificial one firmly fixed onto the implant post. This technique restored not only the patient’s chewing ability but also the attractiveness of their natural smile, appreciably enhancing their self-assurance.

Subperiosteal Dental Implants

Before and after images
after Images


The patient’s process began with a thorough examination, evolving into a bespoke blueprint for subperiosteal dental implant surgery. This plan is perfect for individuals who have a shallow jaw bone and aren’t ideal candidates for traditional implants.

At our Melbourne clinic, our implant dentist utilised a unique method that involved fitting a custom-made framework on top of the jawbone underneath the gum tissue. Once healed, replacement teeth were mounted on this framework. This innovative method of replacing missing teeth considerably amplified their oral health and overall satisfaction.

Sinus Lift

dental Implant before
dental Implant before


The individual’s journey commenced with an extensive review, culminating in a unique plan for a sinus lift procedure prior to dental implant surgery. This procedure is beneficial for patients with insufficient bone in the upper jaw or proximity of the sinuses to the jaw, making it unsuitable for traditional dental implants.

The surgical procedure entailed elevating the sinus membrane and placing a bone graft to increase bone mass. After adequate healing and bone integration, affordable dental implants were positioned and covered with artificial teeth. This technique not only enhanced the patient’s biting function but also reinstated the appealing aesthetics of their smile.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


If a person experiences tooth loss and fails to replace the missing teeth, they may not immediately perceive the full implications of this choice. It may seem like a simple aesthetic concern or a minor inconvenience. However, over time, the repercussions can be quite severe, impacting oral health and overall well-being significantly.

The impact of missing teeth can be observed in multiple areas. Let’s delve into the importance of replacing missing teeth and the far-reaching effects of not doing so.

  1. Bone Loss: One of the most significant issues resulting from untreated tooth loss is jawbone atrophy, also known as resorption. When a natural tooth is present, the forces generated during chewing stimulate the underlying bone, promoting its health and growth. Once a tooth is lost and not replaced, the lack of stimulation leads to the bone shrinking over time, altering the shape and appearance of the face and jawline.
  2. Bite and Alignment Changes: With the absence of a tooth or multiple teeth, the remaining teeth may shift into the vacant space, leading to changes in bite alignment. This shift could also cause an imbalance in the force distribution while eating, possibly resulting in jaw pain and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD).
  3. Difficulties in Eating and Nutrition: Missing teeth can have a direct impact on a person’s diet. It can limit the type of foods consumed, particularly when it comes to fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats. Over time, this can result in nutritional deficiencies and related health concerns.
  4. Speech Issues: Teeth play an essential role in our speech. They aid in the pronunciation and articulation of certain sounds. Missing teeth, particularly those towards the front of the mouth, can affect the ability to pronounce words correctly, leading to difficulties in communication.
  5. Aesthetic and Psychological Impact: Aesthetically, missing teeth can lead to a lack of confidence in one’s appearance. It can affect the way a person smiles, talks, and interacts with others, potentially leading to decreased self-esteem and social interaction. This psychological impact can be profound and far-reaching.
  6. Tooth Decay and Gum Disease: With teeth shifting into vacant spaces, cleaning can become more challenging, leading to an accumulation of bacteria, plaque, and tartar. These conditions can lead to dental decay and gum disease, which, if left unattended, can result in further tooth loss.


The good news is that these issues can be mitigated or entirely avoided with dental implant treatments.

When considering tooth replacement options, tooth implants often emerge as the superior solution due to their durability, functionality, and natural appearance. However, one of the most common questions surrounding dental implants is, “How much do they cost?” The cost of dental implants in Melbourne, like many other places, depends on various factors. This section will delve into the key components influencing dental implants cost.

Type and Number of Implants

The type and number of implants required significantly impact the overall cost. A single dental implant will be cheaper than multiple implants. Full mouth reconstructions requiring numerous implants will understandably be more costly. Similarly, different types of implants, such as mini implants or traditional ones, may vary in price due to their complexity and the materials used.

Implant Materials

Typically, dental implants are crafted using either titanium or zirconia materials. Titanium implants, due to their proven track record of durability and biocompatibility, are commonly used and can be slightly more affordable than zirconia. However, zirconia, known for its excellent aesthetic appearance and hypoallergenic properties, might be the material of choice for those with metal sensitivities, despite being slightly more expensive.

Preparatory Procedures

Often, supplementary procedures are required before the dental implant procedure. These may include tooth extractions, bone grafts, or sinus lifts. Each of these additional procedures adds to the overall cost of the treatment. However, they are often necessary to ensure the success and longevity of the implants.

Geographic Location and Overhead Costs

The geographic location of the dental practice influences the cost of dental implants. Practices located in metropolitan areas may have higher overhead costs compared to those in more rural locations. These overhead costs, which include rent, utilities, and wages, can affect the cost of dental implants.

The Expertise of the Dental Professional

The experience, qualifications, and expertise of the dental professional performing the implant surgery also play a significant role in the overall cost. Highly experienced dentists who have undergone extensive training may charge more for their services. However, the added cost often brings peace of mind and assurance of a successful outcome.

Dental Laboratory and Restoration Quality

The cost of dental implant restoration (the crown, bridge, or denture that is attached to the implant) can also vary. High-quality restorations, custom-made in reputable laboratories, may cost more than those of lower quality. The materials used in these restorations, whether porcelain, zirconia, or other high-grade dental ceramics, will also influence the final cost.

Aftercare and Maintenance

Post-procedure care, including follow-up visits, adjustments, and potential repairs, should also be factored into the total cost. Although dental implants are known for their durability, the prosthetic portion of the implant may require replacement or repair over time.

While the initial dental implants cost might seem high, it is important to consider its long-term value. Always discuss the cost, treatment options, and potential financing plans with your dental professional to make an informed decision.

While they are designed to be durable and require relatively low maintenance compared to other dental procedures, good oral care is still crucial to ensuring the longevity of dental implants. This section will provide you with tips on how to keep your dental implants in optimal condition.

Regular Brushing and Flossing

Just like natural teeth, dental implants require regular brushing and flossing. Aim to brush at least twice a day using a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid scratching the surface of the implants. Floss at least once daily, paying special attention to the area around your implant. Consider using interdental brushes or water flossers to clean hard-to-reach areas around the implant and underneath the artificial tooth.

Use a Low-Abrasive Toothpaste

Some kinds of toothpaste contain abrasive ingredients that can scratch the surface of your implants, leading to damage over time. When choosing a toothpaste, opt for one that is low-abrasive and doesn’t contain harsh ingredients such as sodium bicarbonate or stain removers. Non-abrasive gel toothpaste is a good option.

Avoid Hard or Sticky Foods

Although dental implants are strong and durable, they can still be damaged by hard foods. Hard foods like ice or hard candies can chip or break the crown on your implant, while sticky foods can dislodge them. Try to stick to a diet of soft foods, especially in the initial days after your surgery, and gradually reintroduce harder foods as your mouth heals.

Regular Dental Check-ups

Regular dental check-ups are crucial for maintaining the health and longevity of your dental implants. Dentists can identify and address any potential issues early, ensuring that your implants stay in the best possible condition. A typical check-up usually includes an examination of your implants, professional cleaning, and X-rays.

Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can slow down the healing process after dental implant surgery and increase the risk of complications. In the long term, these habits can lead to gum disease, which can weaken the structures supporting your implants. If you smoke or consume alcohol, it’s worth discussing this with your dentist to understand the potential risks and discuss cessation methods if needed.

Maintain Overall Oral Health

Good overall oral health is crucial for maintaining dental implants. This means keeping your gums and remaining natural teeth healthy. Gum disease can weaken the bone and tissues that support the implant, while issues with natural teeth can impact the overall balance and alignment of your bite.

Dental implant surgery is a significant procedure, and recovery requires careful attention to your diet. Your food choices can influence the healing process and comfort during recovery. Here are some recommended food options to consider.

Soft Foods

In the initial stages post-surgery, it is crucial to eat soft foods that need minimal chewing. Examples include scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, well-cooked pasta, and porridge. These options will provide essential nutrients without causing discomfort or dislodging the implant.

Protein-Rich Foods

Protein aids in the healing process. Incorporate protein-rich, easy-to-eat options such as smooth nut butter, yoghurt, or soft cheese. Protein shakes or smoothies are also an excellent choice, as they can be packed with fruits and vegetables for additional vitamins and minerals.


Maintaining hydration is essential after any surgical procedure. Water is the best choice, but you can also consider drinking milk, natural juices, and clear broths. Avoid hot liquids for a few days after surgery, and stay away from using straws, as the suction can disrupt the healing process.

Nutrient-Dense Foods

As healing progresses, gradually add more nutrient-dense foods like avocados, sweet potatoes, and fish. These will provide your body with the nutrients it needs for recovery while still being gentle on your new dental implant.

Remember, everyone heals at their own pace, so listen to your body and consult with your dental professional if you have any concerns about your diet post-surgery.


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